You are here: Home Archive 5th International Congress 2020 Our Speakers Margriet Wentink & Wim Wassink *
Loving or Surviving in a couple relationship?
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Margriet Wentink, born 1963. Training in NLP and hypnotherapy, child therapy and art history. Training and supervision at Franz Ruppert since 2005. Co-author of the book: "Early trauma". Two books about more generational trauma in the Netherlands.
Wim Wassink, born 1944. training in special education, individual psychology and NLP. Supervision at Franz Ruppert.
Since 1996, Margriet and Wim have their own center for multi-generational psychotraumatology operating in Interakt in Tiel (NL), since 2006, they work with the method of Franz Ruppert which they have introduced in the Netherlands. Together they have translated several books of Franz Ruppert into Dutch. They offer individual therapy, group seminars and training in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Practice in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.
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