Healthy Autonomy

Association for Promoting Healthy Autonomy e.V.

Martina WittmannIdentity Trauma and Aging

In addition to many other phenomena, identity-traumatized people find aging a powerful challenge - whether it's their own aging process or that of their parents. I would like to, herewith, focus on the aging mother. Here it becomes very evident how pronounced the identity of the, meanwhile, "adult child" is. With a low stability of one's self, the "child" is triggered by the mother's increasing need for help. The adult person feels the same threat as in childhood. This creates a compulsion for the "child" to have to care for the mother. The person is again under enormous pressure, on the one hand to meet the maternal needs and on the other hand, the social expectation. Without identity, there is no exit from this dynamic.


Martina Wittmann, born in 1960, a nurse, teacher of nursing professions, 1994 Foreign assignment on "Care Germany" in the refugee camp of the Republic of Congo during the genocide in Rwanda. 1998 further training as supervisor. 2002 advanced training with Prof. Dr. med. Franz Ruppert, since 2004 seminars and individual work in IoPT in own practice in Augsburg.
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