The effectiveness of IOPT on autoimmune disease activity
Between September 2019 and June 2020 I will conduct a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and I will evaluate the effectiveness of Identity oriented Psychotraumatherapy (IoPT) on the course of the autoimmune disease activity. I have hypothesized that treating trauma behind the illness will have a positive impact upon the disease activity by decreasing the level of intraaggression and dissociation and by increasing the contact with the trauma feelings and consequently, the contact with the body. All the participants (experimental and control) will present pre-, posttest and follow-up medical data regarding their autoimmune disease and will be assessed with a series of measures.
Workshopmaterials can be downloaded here.
Maria-Magdalena Macarenco, born in 1976, works in Constanta and Bucharest (Romania) as a clinical psychologist and EMDR accredited therapist, with 19 years of experience in the army and in her private practice. She is a PhD student in health psychology at the Bucharest University, running a research regarding psychotrauma and autoimmune diseases. She is specialized in psychotrauma, trained in EMDR (Richard Mitchell, 2012-2013), systemic constellations (Jutta ten Herkel, 2012-2013), Multigenerational Psychotraumatology (prof. Franz Ruppert, 2013-2015) and Identity oriented Psychotraumatherapy (prof. Franz Ruppert, 2015-2017). Since 2013, she offers constellations seminars using prof. Ruppert method and more recently, she provides trainings in the Intention Method at the Institute for Study and Treatment of Trauma, Bucharest.
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