Healthy Autonomy

Association for Promoting Healthy Autonomy e.V.

SisselBru RekstenIdentity Trauma and Burnout

In this workshop we will explore how early trauma (e.g. by being an unwanted child, surviving abortion attempt or lack of contact in the start of life) can set us up for a life time struggle to convince others and ourselves that we are worthy, capable and needed. Early trauma means that at a very early age we changed from a “safe” development mode to an “unsafe” emergency mode and contact with our body was reduced or lost. Traumatic experiences are stored in our bodies and can easily be activated by triggers. In a traumatized culture our triggers get pushed constantly and work can be a valued identification object. By sacrificing ourselves for work, we unconsciously hope to belong and have value.

When feelings of unworthiness are triggered we easily go into survival mode, neglect our own needs and sacrifice ourselves for our work. When performing like “work machines” with an enormous will to perform, we will often gain recognition, but over time the feeling of emptiness, numbness and symptoms of burn-out will grow. As the trauma occurred very early we have no recollection or understanding of the root cause of our behavior.

Frantz Ruppert’s model of the Splitting of the Human Psyche describes symptoms such as obsession and overwhelm. These symptoms are also easily recognizable in persons with burnout.

After the talk there will be possibility for a constellation.

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Sissel Bru Reksten (1957), Psycho trauma therapist IoPT, one to one and group, IoPT trainer with own practice IoPT Stavanger, Norway, since 2017. Supervisor for Trauma therapists IoPT. Sissel was Trained and Certified (2013) with Marta Thorsheim at Institutt for Traumearbeid, Oslo, has followed Prof. Franz Ruppert’s Advanced International training 2014-2016. Sissel has a Bachelor in Social Work, Cand. Mag. In Organization and Leadership, Master in Change Management. She has used IoPT theory in her work as social worker, organization consultancy and rehabilitation and integration work. Sissel has a practice in Stavanger and also offers trauma information training for professionals.
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