My body and my Sexuality
In the past 4 years of my own intensive understanding and practice based on Identity oriented Psychotrauma Theory by Professor Franz Ruppert, I am humbled by the thousands of lives many of whom are adults whose sessions I have personally facilitated. From here, I realised that there is a huge and important topic that is most untalked about, suppressed and misunderstood. It is the topic of sexuality and how many of us have lost the healthy contact with our bodies.
Many have come forward to seek help on their sexual confusion, aggression, avoidance, resistance, addiction, sexual traumatisation during their childhood or even adulthood, sexual dissatisfaction, sexual fantasies and illusions and many other issues around the topic of sexuality. It has a lot of negative effects on their physical, psychological and emotional states, relationship with their partner, children and family. Most importantly, it affects the relationship with oneself as a person - the unconscious harm done through self-attack, self-criticism, self-blame, guilt and one’s internal fragmentation continues to deepen.
Through the Intention Method, the clients have discovered the source and their trauma and as a result losing contact with their healthy “I”, and their bodies. In my workshop, I want to focus on working with you whether you are a client or observer to understand the effects of the traumatisation of your Identity on your sexuality. Indeed, there are no other ways to healthy sexuality until we establish the contact with our healthy “I”. Then we can understand what is healthy contact with ourselves, others and what do we want from our partner. I welcome everyone who wants to have a healthy sexuality to come, learn, and explore with me.
Christine Foong Wong, born 1971, Singapore. IoPT Therapist & Trainer with own practice, since 2013 working closely with Prof Franz Ruppert to pioneer IoPT workshops and professional training in Asia. Supervised closely by Prof Franz Ruppert through frequent supervision sessions organised in Munich. Has facilitated more than 1,500 IoPT sessions in the last 3 years. Christine also conducts IoPT private sessions through Skype, practice in Singapore.
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