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3. Int. Conference 2016
Our Speakers
Kerstin Kirschniok: "Trauma survival––a chance for a new beginning?"

Workshop Fr07: Friday, Oct. 21, 2016, 03:15 – 05:00 pm
There are events in life, which change the everyday lives of those affected, completely. For example, the loss of a relative or a friend can fully "derail" those concerned. The circumstances of the loss, might release own fears. If a relative e.g. dies of cancer, the question may arise: "Will I also get cancer?" Even own illnesses, particularly life-threatening or terminal illnesses, can lead to self-reflection: What can I do for myself? What can I change, so that I feel better? Similar questions arise when experiencing own casualties or other disasters.
War, torture and its consequential damages are traumatic experiences that often change the lives of those affected, forever. There are people who simply go on living as before the event, others change their lives completely.
The questions of "Why me"? Why has this happened to me?, are some of the many diverse issues.
In this workshop Kerstin Kirschniok points to the possibilities that the Identity oriented psycho trauma theory- and therapy (iOPT), based on the method of Prof. Franz Ruppert, "self-encounter with the sentence of intention, provides". In addition, there will be the opportunity for self-experience and awareness.
Kerstin Kirschniok, married, one son, who is suffering from cancer since 2013, but now on the way to recovery since 2016. Since 2010, she has been accompanying people in her practice, working with the method according to Prof. Franz Ruppert.
Practice in 31141 Hildesheimwww.kerstin-kirschniok.deThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+49 5064 2684028