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3. Int. Conference 2016
Our Speakers
Magriet Wentink und Wim Wassink: "Fleeing––from whom?"

Workshop Sa03 Oct. 22, 2016, 11:00 am – 01:00 pm
Worldwide, more than 60 million people are on the run, many of them in appalling conditions. We have kept this fact away from us for a long time- until last year, when we were on the island of Lesbos and witnessed, one boat after another arrive. Almost 30,000 people in two days! We were shocked. We saw how, within four years, small fishing villages had developed private initiatives to find a response to the humanitarian catastrophe that literally unfolded before their homes. The ingenuity and willingness to find solutions, deeply impressed us.
We could no longer ignore the question: What does that have to do with me? Who am I in relation to displaced persons? How do I relate to the fact, that so many people are moving to distant countries and leaving everything behind? What is being reflected within me by the large influx of refugees? What feelings are being aroused in me, that I was barely aware of?
Collective issues such as the fleeing of large crowds of people, appeal to each of us. This raises the question: To whom or what I'm fleeing from? Who or what do I turn to, and from what am I seeking refuge? Who am I in this force-field? Where within me, are refugees, releasing unprocessed perpetrator-victim dynamics? Which role do topics on "fleeing", "being displaced" "leaving it all behind" play in my personal life or in my family history, or in my country, nation, or continent? What fears and survival parts are being triggered within me?
In this workshop, we will reflect in a brief introduction, these questions and integrate them into the theory and method of the LOPT. We choose the interactive process, in which everyone has the opportunity to experience self-awareness and self-exploration. There will also be an opportunity for a self-encounter and any open questions. Not because we can answer them, but because we can provide clarity and awareness using the method.
Margriet Wentink, born 1963. Training in NLP and hypnotherapy, child therapy and art history. Training and supervision at Franz Ruppert since 2005. Co-author of the book: "Early trauma". Two books about more generational trauma in the Netherlands.
Wim Wassink, born 1944. training in special education, individual psychology and NLP. Supervision at Franz Ruppert.
Since 1996, Margriet and Wim have their own center for multi-generational psychotraumatology operating in Interakt in Tiel (NL), since 2006, they work with the method of Franz Ruppert which they have introduced in the Netherlands. Together they have translated several books of Franz Ruppert into Dutch. They offer individual therapy, group seminars and training in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
Practice in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlandswww.interaktiel.nlThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+31 344617111