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3. Int. Conference 2016
Our Speakers
Annemarie Denk: "Pain as a result of trauma"

Workshop Sa15: Oct. 22, 2016, 02:30 – 04:30 pm
Anyone who has suffered pain, over a longer period of time, wishes to escape this anguish. In Germany, about 25% of the people receive lasting pain relief care. But rarely sustainable improvement occurs. The pain, that once was a protective warning signal, has long lost its natural function. It has moved into an excessive, often chronic pain, which makes those affected helpless and turns them into victims. It often bears no relation to the organic results and usually shows various forms. How is this possible? What has an effect on this often differently perceived pain? What hurts anyway? What really hurts so deeply? Scientifically, we now know that the brain areas for emotions and physical pain are in the same range. This gives an indication that the body and mind cannot be separated. Therefore, to what extent is emotional stress and early trauma the cause of experienced pain, to which an enhanced physical component has been attributed? Can it be that the so strongly felt pain has a completely different context and it improves when we deal with our mental, unloved and traumatized inner parts? This workshop is about these and many other questions, after a short presentation with practical examples. Following, there is the opportunity to look at one's own pain issue.
Annemarie Denk, Dipl. Soz. Päd. (FH), qualified social pedagogue, individual, couple and family therapist, health educator, medical studies, hypnotherapy. Since 1998, active in medical practices (focus on pain, stress, relaxation, infertility, psycho-oncology), in the treatment of pain of the Paracelsus Klinik Munich and in private practice. 2012 training in identity-oriented psycho trauma therapy with Franz Ruppert. Co-author of the book "Early trauma". Individual and group work.
Practice in 80538 Münchenwww.medibalance.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+49 170 4919084