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3. Int. Conference 2016
Our Speakers
Cordula Schulte: "My body––My enemy?"

Workshop Sa09: Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016, 02:30 – 04:30 pm
The title clearly indicates the mental separation between “I” and body. How and why the splitting of body and psyche is caused through traumatic experiences, are the central questions of this workshop. Let’s assume that we have a body but are not our bodies, it is then possible to think, feel and act in perpetrator-victim structures. The appearance of the body is often strange and unloved and becomes an "It". But is it also a part of the self-identity? If the expression of one's body is no longer understood, the body is alien and therefore a stranger. Idioms and figures of speech are created in which, among other things, symptoms and diseases are "combated" and "defeated". As a result one's own body is no longer seen as an opportunity to move forward to new destinations or towards a loved one, but as an obstacle that must be overcome. This can be reflected in a variety of physical symptoms such as, (eating disorders, autoimmune diseases, etc.) and perhaps also in transgender topics. Out of survival strategies, the body is often reduced to suffering and pain, without the deeper hidden meaning being revealed. Through this hostile treatment, confrontation with the actual suffering and the associated trauma is avoided. In this workshop, it is possible by means of "self-encounter with the sentence of intention" to resonate and clarify questions, after a theoretical introduction.
Cordula Schulte, born 1952, married, two children, two grandchildren. Naturopath for psychotherapy since 2004, individual and group therapy. NLP master trainer for Energetic Psychotherapy, lecturer and seminar leader (DPS). Since 2009, training and supervision in identity-oriented psycho trauma therapy with Prof. Franz Ruppert, co-author of "Early trauma"
Practice in 45138 Essenwww.cordula-schulte.deThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+49 174 3134805