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3. Int. Conference 2016
Our Speakers
Andrea Tietz: "Menopause––am ’I’ still ’I’"

Workshop Sa05: Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016, 11:00 am – 01:00 pm
Menopause as an opportunity for identity and autonomy development
Mental and physical changes around the menopause, is unsettling for many women. Even devaluation and feelings of loss are frequent consequences. Menopause provides the opportunity for identity clarification and -findung. What we have previously defined for ourselves, is placed in question:
Overexerting experiences in early years of life, can cause psychotrauma that causes our psyche to split. Behaviors were created, which were useful in the past, but in the present, have become detrimental and "self-propelling". In working with the sentence of concern, we encounter these parts - we encounter ourselves. Unconscious survival strategies can be replaced by healthy, self-chosen behavior..
The workshop mainly refers to the female menopause. Men go through the change in another form. You are welcome to gain more understanding of the taboo subject of menopause. After a brief introduction, there is the possibility to utilize the group for identity finding.The spaces for self-encounter through the sentence of concern, will be raffled.
Andrea Tietz, born 1959, married, mother and grandmother, naturopath since 1994, her development as a woman and naturopath, inspired her on the topic of menopause. To facilitate mental and physical phenomena she uses naturopathic treatment and constellations.
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