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3. Int. Conference 2016
Our Speakers
Martina Wittmann: "Impact of Traumatic Experiences on a Person's Identity"

Workshop Fr06: Friday, Oct. 21, 2016, 03:15 – 05:00 pm
Impact of traumatic experiences on a person's identity
When a person suffers a trauma, this usually has major consequences on the identity or identity development. Decisive for this is the point in time of the traumatic experience. Is this at an early stage in life, for example prenatal, then it has an effect on the neuronal circuits in the brain. This means that the genetic coding of each individual cell is altered. Early trauma thus changing the cell internal chemistry and is stored in the memory cell. From these structures, the human being develops identity and his "I". So it is possible that a traumatized person can perceive only trauma feelings and personify themselves as trauma, in terms of: "I am Trauma". Or affected persons are entangled by a trauma with people and their emotions to the degree that they cannot distinguish what belongs to them and to those of other persons. They feel, at the same time their own feelings and the feelings of others within themselves, i.e. the mother, the father, the perpetrator ... There is no longer a border between them and other people. "Who am I?" ...must be discovered and developed in the literal sense.
The human brain remains malleable throughout life. We have no fixed length in primary biological-genetic determination, as was formerly believed. Learning and change is a lifetime possibility.
Martina Wittmann, born in 1960, a nurse, a teacher of nursing professions, foreign assignment on "Care Germany" in the refugee camps of the Republic of the Congo during the genocide in Rwanda. 1998 training for supervisor. 2002 training by Prof. Franz Ruppert, since 2004 seminars and individual work in private practice.
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