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3. Int. Conference 2016
Our Speakers
Patrizia Manukian: "Name and Identity"

Workshop Fr01: Friday, Oct. 21, 2016, 03:15 – 05:00 pm
"I am ...", "My name is ...", "My real name is ... but they call me ..." How do we introduce ourselves to other people? Our name accompanies us almost since we were born, and we use it repeatedly to introduce ourselves, when signing our names- we identify with it. But how do we feel with it? Are we really meant? Do we like our names? Why do we have this name? Do we feel uncomfortable with it or does it make us happy?
Maybe our parents wanted it, in memory of a late uncle or a beloved sister. Perhaps in their youth they had idols with this name. Our name may have been misunderstood at the registry office and thus misspelled or maybe our parents could not agree on a name and the officer then picked a name from a list. Names can also be given due to a trend or fashion. We often have multiple names, compound names. Our identity is closely connected with it. How does our name affect us?
In this workshop we will go together on an expedition, to discover what our name means to us, how intimately connected we are with it and thus with ourselves, and how important it is for our identity, in order to feel good.
Patrizia Manukian, born in 1967, graduated naturopath, kinesiologist, Craniosacral therapist. 2010-2013 training with Prof. Franz Ruppert in multi-generational Psychotraumatology. Since 2010, accompanying the method "sentence of concern" for the self-encounter groups and individual work. She organizes and translates seminars and lectures by Franz Ruppert in Italy.
Practice in Bologna, Italywww.ritrovaresestessi.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+39 348 7164477