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3. Int. Conference 2016
Our Speakers
Maria Magdalena-Macarenco: "Why do I need my illness?"

Workshop So1: Sunday, Oct. 23, 2016, 11:00 am – 01:00 pm
The first reaction of every client that I ask this question is one of astonishment and confusion.
The posttraumatic pathology could take on many forms; either psychological or physical illnesses. But we need to look behind them. Working on a symptom is never healing, simply because the symptom is never the real problem. We need to consider it as a reaction to “something”, and this “something” is a type of trauma: trauma of love, existential or trauma of loss.
Sometimes I observe in constellations, that the ‘I’, hides behind the ‘symptom’, as a result of a destructive relationship. Or that the illness is not the illness, it’s her own early trauma she doesn’t want to see. Or that the “I” is trying to reach the neglecting mother through the developed autoimmune disease.
The illness as a distraction, preventing us from noticing something we don’t want to see in our life, a protective mechanism against the trauma feelings. Understanding the unconscious role this plays really can make a difference in our healing process.
I will facilitate one or two constellations to provide the opportunity to see more clearly the causes behind the psychological and somatic illnesses.
Maria-Magdalena Macarenco, born 1976, lives in Constanta (Romania). She is a clinical psychologist and EMDR therapist in the army and in her private practice, with 14 years’ experience. Specialized in trauma and PTSD, trained in EMDR, systemic constellations and multigenerational psych traumatology. Since 2013, she offers constellations seminars using Prof. Ruppert’s method and workshops on psychotrauma.
Practice in Constanta, Romaniawww.psiholog-macarenco.roThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+40 721460399