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3. Int. Conference 2016
Our Speakers
Kate Collier: "Trauma and Medical Intervention"

Workshop Fr08: Friday, Oct. 21, 2016, 03:15 – 05:00 pm
This workshop looks at trauma during medical intervention and how we experience a loss of self in giving our body and autonomy over to medical expertise. It explores how our own birth trauma and trauma-survival splits may be re-triggered, and how feelings of fear, helplessness, grief, and sometimes abuse, can accompany medical procedures and stay with us for many years, however fortunate we feel to be alive.
How can the self-encounter with the sentence of intention support recovery from trauma and loss of self after medical treatment, so that we may reclaim our body-psyche in a healing way? Is it possible that integrating the splits from an original birth trauma, in this way, also brings healing of subsequent medical traumas we have experienced?
This workshop will begin with Kate Collier sharing her own experience of how her birth and birthing trauma constellations have helped her understand and recover from the later trauma diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
Kate Collier is a counsellor is a Medical Centre and in private practice in the UK and, after working with family constellations for many years, has been studying Franz Ruppert’s theory and methodology under Vivian Broughton for four years. She is an apprentice on the London Trauma Training.
Practice in Cheltenham, Englandwww.katecollier.netThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+44 7749193255