You are here: Home Archive 3. Int. Conference 2016 Our Speakers Christine Foong Wong: "Who am I in my Anger, Violence and Rage?"
Workshop Sa06: Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016, 11:00 am – 01:00 pm
In my practice, I experience, that many clients' relationships with their spouse, children, business partners, friends and colleagues are often destroyed due to anger, aggression, rage and / or violence. In Franz Ruppert's theory, among the major types of trauma, anger primarily originated from someone who attacked us and as case studies show, were often our guardians, such as our father or mother who also suffered a bonding trauma and / or bonding system trauma in which, violence took place in former generations.
In my clients' processes on "What is behind the anger" most of the time it leads them to memories of their angry parents, who inflicted verbal, physical or sexual abuse on them. Though helpless and traumatized, they are dependent on the perpetrators no matter how unsafe they are. What's most surprising, many of them have no memories of their violent childhood. This shows to what extent their survival parts protected them from the truth.
In this session, I want to support you to discover "Who am I in my anger, violence and rage?" Is your "I" healthy or is there a different identity? Are you angry with yourself or the perpetrator? Are you in a constant hyper-vigilant state? I want to share with my research on the impact rage and violence on babies and how Franz's exploration method can support the individual to heal and which has been scientifically proven to heal the brain that has been wounded. We will do one or two self-exploration processes after a brief lecture.
Christine Foong Wong, born 1971, Singapore, psycho trauma therapist, practice in coaching and training since 2004, since 2013 closely working with Franz to pioneer IoPT workshops in Asia. Professional Training with Franz Ruppert and Marta Thorsheim in Asia.
Practice in Singapore 198785www.rhemaworks.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+65 96803537