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3. Int. Conference 2016
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Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert: "Identity and Free Will"

Workshop Sa16: Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016, 11:00 am – 01:00 pm
The "I" function is of considerable importance in the newest type of work, such that the "will" function has taken second place. How does a healthy "I" and a free "will"interact with one another, and what happens when the "survival I state", together with the "will to survive programs" determine or influence our conduct? These basic patterns are to be examined in more detail using a practical example.
Franz Ruppert, born in 1957, professor of psychology at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Foundation in Munich, psychotherapist in private practice trainings and supervisions, leads worldwide seminars and lectures.
Since 1994 he has developed his own theory and method of Psychotherapy. The "identity-oriented psychotrauma theory" is the basis for a method that he calls "self-encounter with the sentence of concern". The development of his theory and method are documented in seven books (Relationships in the Professional World ", 2001," Confused Souls, "2002" Trauma, bonding and family constellations ", 2005," Splitting of the Soul and Inner Healing ", 2007" Symbiosis and Autonomy“, 2010 "Trauma, Fear and Love", 2012) and "Early Trauma", in 2014. His books have been translated into English, Norwegian, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian, Russian, Czech, Romanian, Polish, Turkish and Dutch.
Practice in 81673 Münchenwww.franz-ruppert.deThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+49 170 7348434