There are two main dynamics that I often experience in my practice: Parents come to me with and because of their children with the question - my child displays behaviouiral problems, has problems with relationships, is anxious, agressive, restrained..., at home and in school and there is no apparent reason for it. In our family everything is okay. We have all we need, we could be happy. “What is the matter with my child?!“ the parents ask themselves puzzled and helplessly.
Issues that appear frequently are physical symptoms from headaches to bedwetting, under- or overweight, sleeping problems. Parents and children have already gone through a therapeutical odyssey and have the attitude to want to get rid of the symptom!
It is helpful to look at the bigger picture of the dynamics of the multigenerational bonding relationships in both directions, me and my parents, grand-parents... and consequently my children. I love my children and my children love me. Right out of this bonding constellation we get entangled with each other, making the loving relationship with the child difficult. Looking at the situation sincerely and straightforwardly and the wish to resolve the entanglement helps.
Bettina Schmalnauer,
Bettina Schmalnauer,in second marriage, 3 daughters 21y., 9 y., 6 y.,
Since 25 years I deal with what ails and heals the soul out of personal necessity.
2006 training for Body Talk Applier,
2008 three-year-training in family and structural constellation with Dr. Karl-Heinz Domig in Goldegg / Salzburg.
2011 training with Franz Ruppert, since then seminars and monthly visits in his practise.
Since 2008 self empoyed in own practice in Attnang Austria working with Body Talk, constellation therapy after Franz Ruppert, individuals and groups, councelling and coaching.
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