For singles or coupled, the relationship between Together and Separate seems to be a complicated one: if we are together, we ignore the “separate”; if we are single or separated, “together” seems to be impossible.
Do you feel sad or ready to run away when alone or single? Do you find yourself full of people around you? Or, there is no one who you can rely on? Do you find difficult to manage your feelings in relationships and think that the other cannot understand you?
This workshop is an invitation to explore your deep wounds that makes you feel this way and stops you from enjoying healthy relationships with yourself and those around you. Your wounds can be determined by past experiences of abuse: emotional, physical or sexual. We explore them using the constellation of intention, some of the most important theories and results of recent research on trauma and relationships, developed by F. Ruppert, J. Bowlby, J. Salome, M. Bowen. By the end of the workshop, you can get a clear insight on your reality and resources. These resources can thus be involved, consciously and unconsciously, in two types of processes: healing your wounds and creating new resources for fruitful connection with yourself and others.
Diana Vasile,
is a psychologist, psychotherapist and professor at Hyperion University in Bucharest, Romania. She has been teaching courses on couple and family psychology and psychotherapy since 2000 in several Romanian universities. Her experience as psychotherapist and trainer is vast and internationally acknowledged for her efficiency with individuals and families. She worked as a psychotherapist in Australia and continued to see international clients in Romania. Diana’s interest focuses on psychological rehabilitation and personal development of those who experienced highly stressful and traumatized experiences of abuse and loss. She got her Phd on a thesis about posttraumatic growth and resilience after the loss of a parent through divorce and death. In the last 7 years she originally combined theories about trauma, relationships, family with solution-focused and psychodynamic therapies and constellation method. Diana Vasile is the author of academic books; the most important ones are “Introduction to family psychology and psychosexuality” and “Family traumas and compensatory resources”.
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