Healthy Autonomy

Association for Promoting Healthy Autonomy e.V.

Trauma – Compulsions – Relationships

Compulsive acts are survival strategies to control trauma sensations like helplessness, fear of death and disgust. Through their vehemence they impede remembering what really happened. They increase when trauma feelings rise to the surface of consciousness yet cannot be allocated in the psyche.

Reasons for compulsive activities often stem from early situations of neglect and abuse that lead to trauma. Survival strategies by means of compulsive activity therefore influences the relationshipto ourselves and to other people.
Compulsions like perpetually washing oneself, always controlling one’s environment or the need to have everything in a certain order end up dictating the day. A feeling of disgust can lead to always wearing gloves before touching anything. Or being touched - by other people, the close partner or by oneself - causes enormous stress and can lead to an isolated survival strategy. In the relation- ship to oneself that can mean: “I am not right, I am deranged! What will others think if they become aware of my compulsions?“

If therapies aim to ameliorate compulsions without looking at their underlying reasons, they can lead to further splits in the personality. They can sometimes make daily life function for a while butmostly the compulsions prevail again afterwards.

The workshop offers the opportunity for the constellation of an intention.

margret-friederichMargret Friedrich, born 1950
In 1998 I met Birgit Assel (jgtv). Through her I progressed from the “Family Constellation“ method to the “Method of the Constellation of an Intention“ developed by Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert.
I joined the training course 2009/2010 “From family constellation to trauma constellation“.
2011 to 2014 “Constellation Therapy on the base of Bonding and Trauma“. I take supervisions and follow the new findings in the development of “Trauma Constellations“.
Since 2010 I offer seminars and individual treatment in Lünen.

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