Healthy Autonomy

Association for Promoting Healthy Autonomy e.V.

On the way towards myself

Our early experiences have far reaching consequences and profound impact on our further lives: they influence our development, our health, our relationships.
Severely stressful experiences get split off and the overwhelming traumatic experiences  connected to them can not be remembered any more.

In the course of life similar experiences recur and lead to further splits. More and more we lose the healthy relationship to ourselves.

How does this manifest? What hinders us on our way to ourselves? How is the relationship to ourselves influenced? How can we work on improvement of the relationship to ourselves?

This workshop is about the dropping out of the wholeness at a very ealy stage due to existential experiences and resulting victim attitudes, about perpetrator introjects and about doors leading out of the perpetrator-victim split - on the way to a healthy relationship to ourselves.

There will be the option for a constellation of the intention on the base of bonding and trauma after Prof. Franz Ruppert.


gabriele_hoppeGabriele Hoppe,
Graduated in business management with focus on human resources and -training.
Health professional in psychotherapy, with focus on multigenerational psychotraumatology,  bonding theory, humanistic psychology.

Working with the constellation of the intention after Franz Ruppert,
EMDR, image and gestalt therapy in own practise near Aschaffenburg.

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Tel. 0049 (0) 6094-9897798