The "Intention" - the central concept of the constellation
Introducing the "intention" into the constellations process has fundamentally changed the therapeutic quality of constellations work. The client starts by phrasing his/her intention i.e. the desired change he/she wants to achieve. She then chooses a representative for the intention and begins the constellations process in direct interaction with the intention. The client is thus actively involved in the process right from the start, instead of observing it from a witnessing perspective. By facing and interacting with the intention, the client immediately experiences his own psychic reality on different levels, i.e. in a cognitive, emotional and bodily level.
By sensing the quality of contact with the intention the client gets immediate feedback from within her psychic structure as to what degree of change is possible at this moment. If there is not yet sufficient stability in the psychic system to support the desired change, the process clarifies that and why it is not yet possible to take this step. There is no seeking for or imposing of a solution from outside. Instead the method leads the client to a direct experience of her psychic reality in its often contradictory or destructive complexity. Only then, from a level of clarity, constructive solutions can naturally evolve, which are then supported by the psychic system as a whole.
In my workshop I will facilitate a constellation to demonstrate the key significance and the different aspects of the intention for both the client and the facilitator.
Martina Wittmann
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