Traumaconstellations with children and juveniles
– opportunities and limits
Children and juveniles are mostly stronger integrated in their familiesystems then adults. They are in a real or subjectiv felt relationship of dependence to their parents depending on their age.
Children and juveniles, who are taken care of by the youthcare system, have to deal with an outside analytic view on their families and also have to develope their own critical opinion. In addition to their distraught situation they have to solve this specially tasks of development.
If social workers know about the theory of trauma- and psychological-splits developed by Franz Ruppert and are able to reflect the different personality structures of the young people, based on that modell, it can help the social worker to deal better with the processes of the young people.
In my workshop I want to describe and discuss how the constellation of the intention could be used in the work with children and juveniles and how results from the method of constellations on the basis of bonding and trauma by Franz Ruppert can be helpful in this kind of work. All based on my theoretical considerations and experiences in a residential youthcare unit.
Corinna Schürmann, born 1983
Diploma in Education, special education teacher for children with mental or physical handicaps, Mediator guideline BM, since 2010 participation on further education in multigenerational psycho-traumatology and the ‘constellation of the intention’ developed by Franz Ruppert, offered by Birgit Assel.
Currently working as a social worker in a residential youthcare unit in Hamburg.
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