The silent cry - Trauma, Sound and Voice
Our voice is very important when coming into contact with others. Our vocalisations are immediate expressions of our emotions.
Traumatic experiences can change our voice completely; we can loose our true voice. Our tone can vanish in the trauma feelings and loose its colour and fullness. In certain situations of our every day life our voice even can faile totally.
The first step towards an open voice therefore is to face the mute cry of one's trauma feelings. Thereby the tone, which became stuck within the traumatic experience of the past, can merge again with the true voice. The right to speak can come back to us.
During the workshop there will be room for constellations dealing with the traumatised and the true voice.
Doris Brombach, born 1950, married to Alexander, 3 children and 8 grandchildren from 1st marriage
since 2002 the focus of my work is on the Multigenerational Psychotraumatologie according to Prof. Franz Ruppert and the "constellation of the Intention"
three years of training in "true voice" by Mark Fox
since 2008 specialised in prenatal trauma
Alexander Brombach, born 1954, married to Doris
Non-medical Practitioner for psychotherapy
same working foci and trainings as Doris
together we offer seminars, workshops, individual therapy, constellations trainings and supervision
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