Healthy Autonomy

Association for Promoting Healthy Autonomy e.V.

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Gila Ring

Gila RingThe trauma of the "non-biological child" ( Kuckuckskind)

In this workshop, I will explain this deep-seated trauma. This is about the desperate search for the own "I"-identity and one’s own place in life. The mystery of denied paternity leads to a variety of difficulties in one's own family system, in the environment and subsequently in own relationships. Frequently, affected persons feel that they do not belong, feel bad, are unstable and feel blockages in interpersonal contact. They feel strange in their own family, in other groups and social contacts. The ability to bond with other people is characterized by uncertainty and unstable self-esteem. These children have two fathers, one social and one biological. It can bring liberation when the truth finally gives way to a lie. From my own biography I have experienced deep healing through the constellation work. In my workshop, I want to exchange my own experience, as well as the effects of other family secrets with the participants. There is the opportunity to experience a corresponding individual, thematic constellation.


Gila Ring, born 1954, mother of 3 adult children, systemic single couple and family phlebotomist (IFW), teaching therapist (IFW) with Prof. Müller-Egloff Munich, respiratory therapist, supervisor with 3-year body-therapeutic intensive training (urodynamics) with Gabriell St.Claire and Michael Please. Since 2011 further education with Prof. Franz Ruppert with the multigenerational trauma therapy and the identity-oriented psychotrauma therapy (IoPT). Own seminars since 1995. Since 2008 living in Switzerland with own institute. 
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Alexandra Smith

Alexandra SmithThe difference between saying YES! to Life and YES! to Survival

What is the YES! to life and how does it get injured? What is the YES! to survival and why is it preferable to saying YES! to life. What are the consequences of these YES!

During the workshop we will explore the effects of psychotrauma on the health of our biology, our psychology and our relationships. We will also consider the consequences of living in survival and our capacity for healthy choices. The workshop will also offer IoPT sessions.

Alexandra Smith has a 25 year career working with individuals and groups and has trained in IoPT with Professor Ruppert. She offers IoPT Intention Therapy seminars and workshops both in UK and overseas.


Alexandra Smith has trained in several therapeutic practices connected with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and also Transactional Analysis and Neural Linguistic Programming. She is registered with the National Council for Psychotherapists (NCP Snr Accred.), licensed with the British Psychological Society and a member of the British Association for Person Centred Approach. 
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