Healthy Autonomy

Association for Promoting Healthy Autonomy e.V.

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Sophie Ruhlig

Sophie RuhligIoPT in Individual Work

Through the reflection and reactions of a compassionate counterpart, consciousness and knowledge arise to enable growth. In my workshop, I show how individual work succeeds in revealing the splitting of the psyche and presenting its dynamics externally. Depending on the client's request, I let the delicate body work (according to BODYNAMIC) flow into the ongoing process. Following the individual work there is room for questions and exchange.


Sophie Ruhlig, born 1966 in Braunschweig, studies in Stuttgart, 2012 further education in the identity-oriented Psychotraumatheorie (IoPT) of Prof. Dr. med. Franz Ruppert. I continue to develop and learn as a representative, intervision and further education by Franz Ruppert. Since 2012 I am a certified BODYNAMIC © user (body-oriented developmental psychology according to Lisbeth Marcher) and since 2015 my own private practice in Munich in individual and group work. Since 2017 I offer my psychological support monthly in Hamburg. Under my direction, there is an open seminar for women in Munich every month and furthermore, I organize, among other things, annually a seminar with Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert in Hamburg. 
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Carena Cristina Common

Carena Cristina CommonI or (still) us?

Traumas that can happen before birth prevent people from developing their own “I” identity. For the "I" formation and development, the adolescent needs the primary caregiver, the mother. If this is not available emotionally and physically, the counterpart for the” I”-development is missing. If the formation of the "I" has not been able to develop, a later healthy boundary from the mother is not possible and it remains with the symbiotically entangled WE - mother and child. The child's unfulfilled need for love, for being perceived and protected, remains an unconscious search, in further life, for love as a dominant elemental force. It prevents a real perception of healthy needs. An exit from this dependency means to start on your own healthy “I”- development. The workshop offers a self-encounter.


Carena Cristina Common; my path to becoming a trauma therapist began with sculpture and body therapy. My studies in psychology, anatomy, hypnotherapy according to Milton Erickson, osteopathy, Somatic Experiencing after Peter Levine, annual group and seminars with Michaela Huber, sex therapy with Ulrich Clemens, integration of prenatal and perinatal experiences after Ray Castellino, IoPT with Franz Ruppert, in-depth further education IoPT Trauma work with Vivian Broughton, as well as the viewing, understanding, feeling and continuous healing process by integration of my own, early started dream biography, I have paved the way to this wonderful work. I am deeply grateful for that.

I have been working for many years in my own practice in Berlin; the focus of my trauma therapy is the individual work. In parallel, I accompany groups for young adults and offer IoPT with small groups in day seminars.
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