Encountering one's own birth experience with Identity-oriented Psycho-Theory and Therapy (IoPT)
Birth is the physical separation of child and mother, starting a new autonomy. During birth, the child is subject to their mother's experience, as well as going physically through their very own difficult moment.
The trauma experiences of your mother or her awareness of these are crucial prior conditions for childbirth. In addition, the physical and mental state of the mother during birth has a significant influence on the way you are experiencing this episode in your life.
Adding to these, there is the physical event of birth itself, including experiences of violence. Were instruments used, was medication applied? How long did the birth take? Was it bright In the birth room, was it loud, and was it cold? When did the child start breathing? Who touched the newborn first and talked to it?
Everything that is experienced during childbirth, emotionally and physically, can also be manifested in physical symptoms: hypersensitivity and headaches can be after-effects of displaced skull plates, autoimmune disorders or fear of failure those of a C-section, general body pain resulting from the violent experience of a medical examination.
Our birth is reflected in our lives both physically and mentally, especially at challenging times.
I would like to talk about births today, about the own birth experience and its relevance for our trauma biography, and about potential re-productions of that moment in our lives. After that, there will be time for an identity-oriented constellation on the issue of "My Birth Trauma".
Lily Anne Maier, born 1977, home Birth Midwife since 2003. Alternative Practitioner, homeopathy and phytotherapy and Perceptive Educator. Working with Identity-Oriented Psycho-Theory and Therapy (IOPT) according to Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert.
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