My Teeth, my Trauma, my I
In this workshop, I will demonstrate which possibilities are available to understand and treat the various and most often very painful symptoms of teeth and the orofacial area.
Ordinary treatments of school medicine of these symptoms seem quite often not to be efficient, especially when these symptoms are part of a life sustaining strategy for the client. In clearing and understanding the unresolved psychic conflict, which is working behind these symptoms, we can facilitate important steps for our health and personal development. By doing so dental treatment can be even more efficient and sometimes the only way to be helpful.
As a holistic dentist in my own office, I can see every day patients who have enormous stress and pain in their teeth, jaw and the relating structures as neck, head and shoulders. By asking them it shows up that many of them have multiple and effortless treatments done in school medicine. In my workshops, my clients can find with the intention method unconscious, most often very early trauma experiences, which appear as their symptoms many years later. These trauma experiences are the base for a trauma identity. Therefore, constellation work with the IoPT method create a huge potential to understand our body and ourselves much better. In my workshop, I will explain my way of treating my patients and clients and give examples from my experiences in my dental office and my coaching practise. We also will have the opportunity to do a constellation work with the intention method during this workshop.
Thomas R. Röll settled since 1990 in my dental office in Ulm as a holistic dentist. Since 2008, I am also working as a Coach and Counsellor and are giving seminars and lectures. Since 2009 training and supervision with Franz Ruppert’s IoPT method and offering seminars with him at Ulm.
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