Sexual trauma and the consequences for my body
If a child is not loved and seen by his mother for who he is, he will suffer from loneliness and groundlessness. In his desperation and forlornness, he holds on to every kind of attention, which is given to him. The childs need for contact and attention is used by offenders (father, uncle ...) and they have easy game to make their victim submissive and traumatize through sexual assaults. Conscious memories of self-experienced sexual abuse are most of the time deeply buried and often completely repressed out of consciousness.
Sexual abuse goes hand in hand with extreme emotions of anxiety, powerlessness, helplessness, shame and disgust. The body petrifies and the unendurable emotions are frozen. The own body has to be left and is henceforth experienced as unfamiliar and not belonging. It often is even seen as an enemy and fought. The own body, which was not able to fight back, is now seen as a contemptible vulnerability. Therefore, it seems logical: if I am not in my body, I am safe.
Abused people live in their own bodies as prisoners and would like to get rid of it. The own corporeality and own sexual needs are rejected and unconsciously fought. Frequent consequences of sexual abuse are self-injury, eating disorders, addictions, alcohol and drug consumption as well as a blocked or destructive sexuality. As well, many physical diseases such as migraine, bladder infection, fibroids, tumours, fungal infections, skin diseases, sleep disorders, allergies, autoimmune diseases.
With help of the Psychotraumatherapy (IoPT) and the Intention Method, we are able to get onto the stressful experiences gradually. It will be possible again to gain access and consciousness to your own self and to get an own want, own needs and an own living body.
Ellen Kersten, born 1969, naturopath since 1995, own practice in 61348 Bad Homburg, Identity oriented psychotraumatherapy with fixed and open groups and in single work, training seminars and supervision
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