Body and Trauma of Children
When children are in distress, they show it through somatic and psychological symptoms. Babies brought into my practice are often cry-babies. They have e.g. digestive problems, sleeping problems or skin eruptions. Problems of small children are most often difficulties in the relation to other children, fears, enuresis, defecating, infectious diseases or often high temperature. Schoolchildren are tormented besides fears of school or exam anxieties also by mobbing, nightmares, teeth gnashing, frequent belly-, ear- or head-aches, extreme cough or allergies.
The child feels and senses always right. There are always good reasons for it! To recognize and find out the causes of these childlike messages is the basis of my work. A child or a baby is not yet able to express its state of being verbally.
If the treatment of the conventional medicine doesn’t accomplish the healing hoped for, many worried parents turn additionally to alternative methods today. With babies and children I work with the BodyTalk System©, here the knowledge about „Early trauma, pregnancy, birth...“ is important and helpful.
With children from 12 years on I make good experiences with the Intention Method in the individual setting. Depending on their personal maturity, youths from 16 years on come into the group for working with the Intention Method.
The best success is reached, if also the parents are ready to look at their own childhood themes. Often the question is, how it was for me in this age, what I experienced then.
I accompany many of my older and younger clients for many years. I often know the children since babyhood. I am especially happy about the readiness of the parents to risk something for and because of the child, what they would not have dared for themselves – to face their own traumas of their childhood.
Regarding my own children I always took their symptoms attentively seriously and formulated an intention out of that. Looking back that was always worth it!
Bettina Schmalnauer, born 1970, three daughters. 2011 Training with Prof. Ruppert, since then continuously with him at his practice and his seminars. Self-employed in own practice since 2008 with BodyTalk, psychological counseling, coaching, Gordon Training, work according to Franz Ruppert in the individual setting and groups. Co-author in the book “My Body, my Trauma, my I”. Practice in Ohlsdorf near Gmunden, Austria.
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