Healthy Autonomy

Association for Promoting Healthy Autonomy e.V.

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Thomas Röll: "Symptoms of teeth-, mouth and jaw area"

Thomas Roell

Workshop Fr15: Friday, Oct. 21, 2016, 05:30 – 07:15 pm

"Attached to each tooth, there's always the whole person"

To what extent and in what ways everyone is looking for ways to treat their symptoms, is certainly very different. In many cases, conventional treatment and methods - especially concerning the teeth, mouth and jaw area - alone are not effective enough to treat the symptoms of the body usefully.

As a holistic dentist, I deal daily with patients that feel pain in their teeth and jaw region, often radiating to the head and shoulder area. When asked, it becomes evident that these patients have already been treated by conventional medicine in various ways, without any success. After being invited to my seminars, and through the "constellation of the sentence of concern" unconscious and therefore unresolved, usually early traumatic experiences, search for a way to express themselves beyond the symptoms.

"Constellation of the sentence of concern" provides a large potential through our diverse symptoms, to better understand ourselves and our bodies. This enables us to take important steps towards our health and personality development, thereby allowing dental therapies to take effect.

In this workshop I will explain this approach with examples from my practice and provide the opportunity for individual constellations.

Thomas R. Röll, born 1958, since 1990 Dental Holistic with the main focus dentistry in private practice established in Ulm, since 2008 additional practice for coaching and systemic consulting, lectures and seminars, since 2009 training and supervision for the constellation method on the basis of binding and trauma with Prof. Franz Ruppert.

Practice in 89073 Ulm
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+49 731 7157496

Susanne Mautner: "Identity and Early Trauma"

Susanne Mautner

Workshop Fr10: Friday, Oct. 21, 2016, 05:30 – 07:15 pm

In our originating experiences and beyond, crucial imprints and patterns are established for the rest of our lives. Conception, nidation-implantation, the moment when our parents discovered that they are pregnant with us, our further experience in the womb, the birth and the first few hours, weeks and months afterwards are originating experiences that shape our future relationships fundamentally.

These are all experiences that affect us at a time of great vulnerability and limited self-determination. These earliest experiences reach deep into our body and psyche. It is this vulnerability that needs a special space of mindfulness and caution to invite healing when needed in these areas.

Using the method "Constellation of the sentence of concern" this workshop would like to be an invitation to mindfulness - perhaps the beginning or next step to a healthy, attentive and loving relationship with yourself and everyone and everything else.

Depending on the time left, we will have constellations after the introduction.

Susanne Mautner, born in 1965, 1 son. Diploma life coach, supervisor, trained in constellations, certified massage therapist. Body-oriented constellations and process work using elements from Focusing, SE, mindfulness practice. Works with groups and in individual settings.

Practice in 1140 Wien, Austria
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+43 664 915 2424