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Anamaria Draguta: "Who am I without my partner?"

Workshop Sa11: Saturday, Oct 22, 2016, 02:30 – 04.30 pm
This question came to me a few years back, while I was contemplating my life and how it had changed after I met my partner. Looking at the choices I made, the role that he plays in my life and how I transformed from who I was to who I am. In a healthy partnership, it takes three to tango—two "I's" and a "we." The notion of "we" is talked about all the time, but often the importance of the "I's" are overlooked. Without two healthy "I's", there can be no successful "we." A traumatized "I" or a lost connection to one’s sense of self can likely lead to dependency on a partner to assume responsibilities, consequently resulting in indirect and distorted ways of expressing our feelings.
This workshop invites you to accompany me in this ongoing journey of rediscovering our “I” and to explore together how the need for closeness and security can co-exist in our quest for separateness and freedom. How a healthy “I” can make a better “we”. As the poet Rumi once said: “Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They are in each other all along.” We are in each other all along.
Anamaria Drăguța, born 1986, is a psychologist and psychotherapist. She graduated psychology in 2011 and has a Masters Degree in experiential psychotherapy. She is passionate about brief therapies, attending various trainings in solution-focus, solution-oriented, strategic, collaborative, and contextual-modular brief therapies. She also works with children and families by combining an experiential approach with systemic and narrative therapies. In 2012 she began her training on trauma with Diana Vasile and this year she is training in constellations with Franz Ruppert, Diana Vasile and Marta Thorsheim.
Practice in Bucharestwww.ora-de-terapie.roThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.+40 766 450 010